Each area provides different incentives and rebates. Check our rebate/incentives page for more information
That’s easy – cellulose.
Cellulose insulation is made from at least 80% recycled paper, primarily newsprint. Most of the recycled paper is post-consumer waste adding even more benefit by redirecting it from the waste stream and landfills. Cellulose insulation also has the lowest embodied energy score of any major insulation.
The best way to go about getting your home insulated is to contact your local agency and request that Insulate 2 Save be the agency on record to preform the work. You can find your local agency here

The path to comfort is weatherization
What is meant by K-Factor, R-Value, and C-Factor?
K-Factor (Thermal Conductivity Factor) – The measure of heat in Btus that pass through one square foot of a homogeneous substance, 1 inch thick, in an hour, for each degree F temperature difference. The lower the K-value, the higher the insulating value. Textbook definition: The time rate of steady heat flow through a unit area of a homogeneous material induced by a unit temperature gradient in a direction perpendicular to that unit area.
Insulation materials usually have K-Factors less than one and are reported at what is called Mean Temperature. To determine the mean temperature, measure the surface temperatures on both sides of the insulation, add them together and divide by two.
When comparing the insulating value of different types of insulations, it’s important to look at K-Factor and the mean temperature. As mean temperatures rise, so does the K-Factor.
C-Factor (Thermal Conductance Factor) – C-Factor is the number of Btus which will pass through 1 square foot of material with 1°F temperature difference for a specified thickness. The C-Factor is the K-Factor divided by the thickness of the insulation. The formula is the reciprocal of the R-Factor formula. The lower the C, the better the insulator.
R-Value (Thermal Resistance Value) – The National Commercial & Industrial Insulation Standards Manual defines R-Value as a measure of the ability to retard heat flow rather than to transmit heat. “R” is the numerical reciprocal of C, thus R=1/C. Thermal resistance designates thermal resistance values: R-11 equals 11 resistance units. The higher the “R”, the higher (better) the insulating value.
Will my resale value or taxes increase after my home is weatherized?
In some cases resale value may increase depending on installed measures (i.e. windows, heating system, etc.). Taxes should not be affected.
Do I need to be home when this work is done?
You should be available for the initial audit. It is your choice if you want to be home during the work. An adult must be present if minors are home.
Are there different products used for manufactured housing versus stick frame housing?
Yes. These types of homes are constructed very differently. The energy auditor will determine what services your home needs. And different construction will have different priority fixes. For example, insulation of mobile home floors use a different product than attic insulation.
How long will the process take?
From the time of the audit, expect to hear back from the contractor or auditor within two weeks; depending on the services needed, allow 2 weeks before work begins. Allow 2-3 days for work to be completed, dependent on what needs to be done.
What do I have to do to my home to prepare for weatherization?
Make the attic and basement accessible, remove contents and clutter from those areas to allow workers access to the space. Your woodstove should be cold for the initial and follow up audit. Secure animals in a safe location. Some dust may be generated, the contractors will do their best to contain it.
Will my resale value or taxes increase after my home is weatherized?
In some cases resale value may increase depending on installed measures (i.e. windows, heating system, etc.). Taxes should not be affected.
Why is weatherization so important?
Weatherization services will seal up drafts to prevent the loss of heated or conditioned inside air to the outside and insulate your home, saving energy dollars, increasing your comfort, and making your home safer. Carbon Monoxide poisoning may be a big problem in some homes. The energy auditor will ensure that your appliances and heating system work efficiently and safely.
According to the Weatherization Assistance Program’s Technical Assistance Center, “Combined savings for energy and non-energy benefits in 2008 show Weatherization returns at $2.72 for every $1 invested.”